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                           4.4.3 Mailer

             Mail from unlisted systems
                         Defines whether or not the Mailer should
                         accept incoming calls from systems not listed
                         in your nodelist database. If this option is
                         disabled (set to NO) and an unlisted system
                         calls in, the Mailer will terminate the call

             Mail from "unprotected" systems
                         Defines whether or not the Mailer should
                         accept incoming calls from systems for which
                         you do not have a session level password
                         defined. If this option is disabled (set to
                         NO) and an unprotected system calls in, the
                         Mailer will terminate the call immediately.

             Mail from unlisted points
                         The Mailer will by default accept calls from
                         points of other systems. You can, however,
                         specify that you do not want the Mailer to
                         accept calls from points that are not listed
                         in your nodelist database. If this option is
                         disabled (set to NO) and a point for which
                         you have no entry in your nodelist database
                         calls in, the Mailer will terminate the call

             Kill empty received messages
                         Specifies that you want the Mailer to kill
                         empty messages (messages with no text in its
                         body) when they are unpacked from mail

             Terminal only (no mail)
                         If enabled, the Mailer will invoke the
                         Terminal as soon as it is loaded. This
                         setting can be overridden with the /M command
                         line switch.

             Mail only (no BBS)
                         If enabled, the Mailer will not accept human
                         callers under any circumstances. Use this
                         option if you do not have a BBS or similar
                         software running "below" the Mailer.

             Present all AKAs to remote system
                         If you have more than one AKA address, the
                         Mailer will by default attempt to pickup mail
                         destined for all your addresses during a mail

                         This can be disabled so that only one address
                         is presented to the remote system. Which
                         address is actually presented is determined
                         by the AKA matching table (described

             Trigger exit upon receipt of netmail
                         The Mailer will by default only trigger (set)
                         the exit flag when compressed (following the
                         ARCmail 0.60 standard) mail is received. If
                         this option is enabled, the exit flag will be
                         triggered (set) when NetMail packets (files
                         ending with the extension .PKT) have been
                         received. Whether or not the Mailer will
                         actually exit is controlled by event
                         behaviors (see "Events") and the mail exit

             Trigger exit upon receipt of ANY file
                         Similar to the previous option, but will
                         trigger exit as long as any (file) data has
                         been received.

             Print received messages
                         If enabled, the Mailer will print messages
                         unpacked from received mail packets.

                         This is not available in the noncommercial

             Busy retries
                         Defines the maximum number of times the
                         Mailer will attempt to call a system during
                         an event (see "Events") if the system is busy
                         or does not answer on the first call. See the
                         section about the Mailer for further details
                         regarding call progress.

             Resend retries
                         Defines the maximum number of times the
                         Mailer will attempt to transfer mail to a
                         system during an event if the first attempt
                         fails. See the section about the Mailer for
                         further details regarding call progress.

             Retry delay
                         Defines the minimum number of seconds the
                         Mailer will wait between outgoing calls. This
                         is used in conjunction with a random timer to
                         avoid two Mailers calling each other at the
                         same time (and thus causing both telephone
                         lines to be engaged).

             Delay before first call
                         The Mailer will by default attempt to place
                         the first outgoing call as soon as possible.
                         If this option is enabled, it will delay the
                         first call.

             Days to keep mail history
                         Number of days to retain entries in the
                         floating inbound/outbound history files. The
                         Mailer removes all entries older than this
                         value from the history files every morning
                         (at first opportunity after midnight).

             BBS software name
                         Name of the BBS software you are running (if
                         any). This is displayed to human callers
                         together with the "Press <Esc> twice for
                         BBSNAME" if the event allows human callers to
                         access the BBS.

             Seconds before passing to BBS
                         Defines the number of seconds the Mailer will
                         wait before assuming a human caller. Unless
                         the Mailer receives two consecutive escape
                         (ASCII 27) characters, it will attempt to
                         establish a mail session for the amount
                         specified here. The minimum and default value
                         is 11 seconds. The maximum value is 60

             Minimum undialable cost
                         The minimum cost of a call for a system to be
                         processed by the undialable handler. The
                         undialable handler is discussed in a separate

             Honor Return Receipt Requests (RRQ)
                         Specifies whether or not the Mailer should
                         generate a Return Receipt for received
                         messages with the RRQ flag set. The RRQ flag
                         is discussed in the Editor section.

                         This is not available in the noncommercial

         Log             Defines the various level of logging. All
                         messages will appear on the screen, the log
                         options defines which of them ends up in the
                         log file.

         File requests   Controls how the Mailer (FD) treats inbound
                         File and Update Requests. A separate section
                         explains File and Update Requests in detail.

         FDServer        If no password is specified in FDSETUP, the
                         FDSERVER function is inactive (disabled). The
                         FDSERVER function is described in a separate

         External mail   When the Mailer processes an incoming call,
                         all received characters are processed for a
                         possible match with any of the external mail
                         "wake-up" sequences (strings) and if a match
                         is made, the Mailer exits with the specified
                         errorlevel of the matching string.

                         This allows you to run alternate mail
                         handlers behind the Mailer, such as UFGATE
                         and Waffle to process uucp mail. Note that
                         the call is not terminated when using the
                         external mail interface, the FOSSIL driver is
                         simply de-initialized and the Mailer exits.
                         This option is NOT intended for echomail
                         processors, etc.

                         To enter characters with an ASCII code below
                         32 (Space), hold down the <Alt> key, enter
                         the ASCII code on the numerical keypad and
                         release the <Alt> key.

             Mail waiting flashing
                         When there is new mail waiting, the text
                         "Mail" will flash on the Mailer screen. The
                         flashing can be disabled with this option.

             Display clock
                         Specifies whether or not you want the current
                         date and time displayed in the top right
                         corner of the Mailer screen.

             Display timestamp
                         Specifies whether or not you want the Mailer
                         to display the time to the left of each line
                         displayed in the main activity window. This
                         setting does not affect what is being written
                         to the log file.

             Screen size
                 25      25 line mode.

                 43/50   43/50 line mode. Only available for systems
                         with EGA and VGA cards.

                 Auto    Specifies that the Mailer should attempt to
                         automatically adapt to whatever the current
                         screen size is when it is started. This also
                         means that the Mailer will not attempt to
                         reset the screen mode when it is terminated.

                 Custom  Allows you to specify computer register
                         values to send to the INT 10h (Video BIOS) to
                         set and reset the screen.

                         This is not available in the noncommercial

             Allows you to choose between the default monochrome
             (black and white) and the default color sets. You can
             also choose to customize the colors to suit your own

         Hidden dial info
             Allows you to hide portions of telephone numbers that
             otherwise would be displayed when the Mailer places an
             outgoing call. Eg. The Mailer calls 352-355936, if you
             had one of the hidden dial info strings set to 352- the
             displayed number would be 355936.

         Function keys
             Allows you to define up to 20 (24) programs, etc. to
             invoke from the Mailer when any of the functions keys are
             pressed. The first 10 (12) function keys are accessed
             through <F1> - <F10> (F12), the second 10 (12) function
             keys are accessed through <Shift-F1> - <Shift-F10> (F12).

             Title       The title to appear on the screen when you
                         press <Alt-K> from the Mailer's main screen.

             Action      The program to invoke or errorlevel to exit
                         with. To specify more than one program,
                         separate them by semicolons (;). To exit with
                         an errorlevel, specify ?<errorlevel>. Eg.

                             LIST C:\FD\FD.LOG;DEL C:\FD\FD.LOG

                         Would load the program LIST and pass
                         C:\FD\FD.LOG as the parameter. When the LIST
                         program terminates, the Mailer would proceed
                         to the next command, which in this case
                         removes C:\FD\FD.LOG.


                         Would force the Mailer to terminate with an
                         errorlevel of 255.

             Pause       Specifies whether or not you want the Mailer
                         to pause when the invoked program(s)

             Check       Specifies whether or not the Mailer should
                         re-scan the Netmail folder when the invoked
                         program(s) terminates.

             To create a DOS shell that does not force a re-scan of
             the Netmail folder, specify C:\COMMAND.COM (or wherever
             you have your copy of COMMAND.COM stored) as ACTION and
             set CHECK to NO.

             This section allows you to invoke BBS software, or other
             similar software, when an incoming call is established
             and the Mailer has determined that it is not a mail call.
             It also allows you to define an errorlevel to exit with
             when mail has been received.

             If a baudrate related errorlevel is zero, the Mailer will
             display a message to human callers saying that your
             system does not support non-mail calls at that speed and
             then terminate the call. If you are running in mail-only
             mode, the Mailer will never accept non-mail (human)

             If the RECEIVED MAIL errorlevel is zero, the Mailer will
             never exit when mail has been received. Whether or not
             the Mailer will actually exit when it has received mail
             is determined by the current event behavior and whether
             or not the received file(s) indicated mail.

             The CREATE .BAT FILE option allows you to simplify BBS
             operation. If it is enabled, the Mailer will create a
             batch file containing the current baudrate, the COM port
             used, the number of minutes left to the next system
             event, etc. This is described in a separate section.

         Audio control
             The Mailer can sound alarms and make other noises when
             certain events occur, such as received mail, incoming
             human callers, fatal errors, etc. This section allows you
             to control which sounds should be active and when audio
             should be active.

             Determines whether or not you want the Mailer to use
             swapping. You can disable the use of XMS/EMS memory for
             the swap function. The swap function is explained in the
             Miscellaneous section.

             Allows you to protect certain functions of the Mailer
             (FD), such as access to the DOS shell, Editor (FM),
             Nodelist compiler (FDNC), Terminal, etc. with a password.

             This is not available in the noncommercial version.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson